Recent content by Nikita94118

  1. N

    Need Tello EDU Code or Drone Blocks Code to make Drones follow Mission Pads

    Hi Everyone, Here is the code for Tello EDU drones to recognize Mission Pads. I am doing it in the Tello EDU App. At the risk of stating what you all already know, a simple explanation of XYandZ coordinates X=front of drone. Positive Values are Forward, Negative Values are Backward Y-side...
  2. N

    Need Tello EDU Code or Drone Blocks Code to make Drones follow Mission Pads

    Thanks Dan, But aren't those Lite Bee drones really expensive? I would love to get a look at your curriculum if you didn't mind. I am based in NJ. Ali
  3. N

    Need Tello EDU Code or Drone Blocks Code to make Drones follow Mission Pads

    Hi all, I will be teaching a class of 16 kids using Tello EDU drones in the Fall. I am not a programmer, and the kids are in elementary school and new to it as well. I want to get them a nice easy intro to programming with the excitement of having the code make a drone perform as they...