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DJI GEO System


Active member
Aug 7, 2018
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Does it work on the Tello? I live at Heathrow & want to use it in our Hotel, as we have large high ceilings covered in glass, but we are less then 1/2 mile from the runway, no point buying the spark as i won't be able to use it.

Thanks in advance
It has no on-board GPS and the app does not ask for access to your phone's GPS but if you are still concerned you could turn that off.

Edit: I assume you mean use it inside ? At 1/2 mile from the runway it would not be a good idea to use it outside even at low level as they are so light and low powered that even a light wind can get hold of them easily .....
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No geo limit, but is not a good idea to use it outside near airports.
Indoors, it will safely work.
It has no on-board GPS and the app does not ask for access to your phone's GPS but if you are still concerned you could turn that off.

Edit: I assume you mean use it inside ? At 1/2 mile from the runway it would not be a good idea to use it outside even at low level as they are so light and low powered that even a light wind can get hold of them easily .....

Yes I do mean inside, i really wanted the spark for better footage tbf, but if the Geo system stops that, there is no point getting it.
Yes I do mean inside, i really wanted the spark for better footage tbf, but if the Geo system stops that, there is no point getting it.
The legislation cover indoor use, you must follow the 1km rule, so it still applies 1/2 a mile from the airport perimeter if you are inside... as does the 50m from people or structures rule

CAA Indoors Use

"Indoor use - The regulations make no distinction between flights made indoors or in the open; the whole safety criteria continue to apply. Certain hazard factors are heavily mitigated by the fact that the aircraft is flying in an enclosed environment and access to the venue can be controlled. Persons within the building, and who may be exposed to a hazard by the flight, should meet the criteria for ‘persons under the control of the person in charge of the aircraft’ or else have safety precautions taken on their account (e.g. safety netting, tethered drone, etc). Minor indoor recreational use of a very small and light ‘toy’ drones is not generally regarded as having the same safety implications as for larger drones used outdoors or in commercial service. " The red text is not black or white, it says less risk, but it does not say it is exempt from the regs

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