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New iOS App: Voice Drone, voice drone controller ... Free


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Approved Vendor
Jun 10, 2024
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Voice Drone

Tello Drone Image V3-sml.png

Voice Drone Thumbnail.png

I am please to announce and to offer to the TelloPilots community the availability of a free iOS app, Voice Drone, for controlling your Tello drone with your voice. Once the app is connected to your drone, just speak simple commands such as "take off", "forward", "turn right" and "land" to control the movement of the drone. Voice Drone provides both telemetry and a video feed. The app can be found and downloaded from the App Store here, Voice Drone. Voice Drone is speaker neutral and currently understands English. The full command vocabulary is detailed in the App Store pages.

The UX provides a summary status of the Tello drone, including connectivity status, battery health, altitude and relative heading. The view from the forward looking cam is displayed, below which can be a seen a transcript of the words spoken for controlling the drone. Once a command is identified it is executed as an action. An emergency button is provided to kill the drone just in case.

When starting the app for the first time, please provide permission to access the microphone. No data is persisted on the device or collected.

I am giving this app away for free based on the positive reaction I received from friends and family, and thought others might be interested.

As this is an initial release, I would be interested in genuine feedback, feature ideas and feature prioritisation. Candidate features include the following:
  1. Other language support, which languages would be of interest?
  2. Speed control, for safety in indoor environments the drone moves at a low speed, but voice options such as "faster" and "slower" could be added to change velocity
  3. Geofencing
  4. Object tracking, to request the drone to keep an object such as a face in the centre of its view
  5. Learn option, to remember and replay a flight path
  6. Home option, request that the drone returns to its initial origin and orientation
Let me know you preference and if there is anything else you would like to see?

I hope you enjoy Voice Drone.
Hey there! Great work!! Thanks for releasing this for free! I do not have access to the Tello for the next few days but I will definitely test it. I would love uf you can add Greek language support. I saw you are using the native Apple voice recognition, will that work for Greek?

I will be back after I test the app. :)

BTW, would you consider open sourcing your code?
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