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Photogrammetry with Tello!!

I do not know. There are some open photogrammetry codes our there, so I guess there are ported to Mac. I used Zephys becouse it is windows, free, and it is really extremely easy to use.
I made the test that I show you at home becouse I can not wait to go to away from the city to take some pictures, jejeje... I think photogrammetry is addictive ;-)
I like your wall, is it actual wood paneling or wallpaper?
Real wood panneling. They sell it in DIY centers in Spain and France. On each box you have three different sizes and for each size two different thicknes. All pieces came with adhesive applied to one side... so only you have to remove the protective paper and press it agains the original wall, in my case a MDF board ;-)
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Hey there. Did you manually frame each shot?
Great result!
I just move the tello pointing to the interesting zone and taking pictures at more or less at random. Image quility setting in the app were set to "high". The program import all pintures from my computer and then it deduces the position and orintation of the camera for each shot. Is really simple/direct.

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