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Tello FPV without Google Play Store (eg. Vanilla Lineage OS)


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Oct 19, 2022
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Hi folks,

Is there a way to use Tello FPV without the Google Play Store on Lineage OS?

Tello FPV is to my point of view perfect and I can’t imagine flying without this app. This app worth every penny that’s why I bought a dedicated smartphone with a standard Android including the Google Play Store just to buy and use this app.

At the same time, I don’t want to have on my day-to-day smartphone all the spyware shipped with Android, that’s why I use Lineage OS. With this ROM I can use my old smartphone (an LG G3) that is not supported since a long time without any problem and without creating more waste on this planet buying stuff that just can work.

I’m OK to pay five times the initial price (5 * 6 = €30) to have a version that’s working on Lineage OS, with DRM if necessary (e.g., with a licence key or any way to protect the app to be distributed illegally) to have a version working on Lineage OS. This way I could finally use my main smartphone for this app and leave the dedicated Tello FPV smartphone to someone else who could have use of it.

By the way, a big thanks to the Tello FPV creator for this fantastic app and to all the tellopilots community: I have so much fun with tello thank all the advice I found here!
I understand your point but sadly no, there is no way and most likely there will never be one. LineageOS with functional play store work OK. GAPPS Pico or Nano should be enough.

I am not going to offer any special "personal" versions unless you offer ridiculous money (add a few 0s). The risk of introducing a security hole just isn't worth it.

A word of warning: Do not work around this! A modified play store, APK wrappers, cracking apps, or basically any other smart idea I can think of will get you into trouble. The app will either refuse to work or -even worse- it will act like a pirate APK.

Sorry but Android is a piracy heaven and as a developer I can either work around this - or stop developing apps for Android. No such issues with Apple.
Thank you very much for your reply. I understand your point of view expressed very clearly. I will try GAPPS again or stay with my dedidaced phone.

By the way a big thanks for your app !
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Rozumiem twój punkt widzenia, ale niestety nie, nie ma takiej możliwości i najprawdopodobniej nigdy nie będzie. LineageOS z funkcjonalnym sklepem z grami działa OK. GAPPS Pico lub Nano powinno wystarczyć.

Nie zamierzam oferować żadnych specjalnych „osobistych” wersji, chyba że zaoferujesz śmieszne pieniądze (dodaj kilka zer). Ryzyko wprowadzenia luki w zabezpieczeniach po prostu nie jest tego warte.

Słowo ostrzeżenia: nie obejść tego! Zmodyfikowany sklep z zabawkami, opakowania APK, aplikacje do łamania zabezpieczeń lub w zasadzie każdy inny sprytny pomysł, jaki przychodzi mi do głowy, wpędzi cię w kłopoty. Aplikacja albo odmówi działania, albo - co gorsza - będzie działać jak piracki pakiet APK.

Przykro mi, ale Android to raj dla piractwa i jako programista mogę albo obejść ten problem – albo przestać tworzyć aplikacje na Androida. Nie ma takich problemów z Apple.
Ja też nie mogę zakupić aplikacji do sterowania dronem ze sklepu google play ,,,,co mam zrobić ?
As I learned Google is now hiding all paid apps that were written to support "ancient" Android version. If I see that correctly the minimum Android version allowed is now 7.
I will post an update in the coming days to fix the play store's "not compatibe" warning.

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