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Best Tello app


New member
Dec 29, 2018
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Based from experience, what would you suggest the best app to fly your tello?

Im a new pilot and i find the official tello app to be quite buggy (video lag, delay response, no control after take off..etc).

Im using Note8 or iphone6.

Based from experience, what would you suggest the best app to fly your tello?

Im a new pilot and i find the official tello app to be quite buggy (video lag, delay response, no control after take off..etc).

Im using Note8 or iphone6.


The issues you mention do not necessarily go away with a new App because they are caused by firmware inside Tello.

No control after takeoff / shortly before touching ground: Tello is sluggis in low altitudes. Extremely sluggish when very low. Landing with some wind is asking for trouble (be blown away).

Delay response: Again, Tello has a delay when following commands in the slow / video mode. Nothing an app can do about this. This is firmware. If the app is OK in fast / sportmode then its not a fault of the App but Tello making efforts to keep the drone (and the image) stable.

IMO these two point shave gotten worse with every new firmware.

Video lag: Normally the Ryze app isn't too bad. 230ms is what I measured. I managed to get around 170ms for telloFpv which isn't bad for a wifi transmission. That is in slow / video mode meaning that image stabilization is on. Sport mode without image stabilization may be a bit faster, but i haven't tested
I just see you have the option of iPhone and Android. My comments are regarding Android only. I have no clue what apps exist for IOS.

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