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Help with a restart.


Dec 7, 2019
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I haven't flown my Tello for a couple years. Is there a manual that explains how to get it connected to my phone so that I can fly it? I remember I had to connect something through bluetooth to my phone and I'm not sure about the WiFi. I have an iPhone 13 mini and the controller is the GameSir T1d. Any help would be appreciated.
I seem to have been able to get it to work but the app keeps closing during flight. It says on for about a minute and then closes. I can restart the app and land the drone, but obviously, that's not acceptable for actually flying the drone. Any ideas on the apps shutting down?
Not sure it will solve your issue but the TelloFPV is the way to go regardless.
Put your phone time out to a different setting to see if the problem follows it.
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Thanks. I did try that and got the same situation. Someone mentioned there is a paid app (TelloFPV) that I should try but I haven't got a chance to do that yet.
Sounds like Apple changed something that broke one of the many many libraries that Ryze / DJI used to build their apps.
So far I haven't heard of similar issues regarding TelloFpv, but you never know.
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