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Hi from Australia!


New member
Sep 13, 2018
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Hey guys!

Just recently bought my first drone: The Tello!

I've always wanted to buy a drone, but never really had the money, and now that I do, I'm a bit scared with all of the new rules and laws coming out.

So, I figured the Tello would be a good place to start.

I live on the South_East coast, so I plan to do a few trips and try my hand at some videography while I'm at it.

Currently, I haven't had many opportunities to fly due to strong winds, but have flown a couple of times with great results.

I even attempted to add some high viz paint to my Tello, but in the process I got too impatient and ended up ruining the finish ? ...however! I took that failure as an opportunity, and damaged the paint work a bunch more to give it a 'battleworn' look, and I really like how it turned out! I might add some finer detail down the track, but hey at least this thing is visible now!

I look forward to talking to you all as things develop.

Have a wonderful evening, and fly safe :)

Welcome to our forum .Hope you find all the resources you seek and look forward
to any photos or videos you might post .
Any issues just ask.
Enjoy (y)
Welcome to the fun...
Looking at your bird, I just had an idea..
I'll go to the local auto parts supply
house and try to find some pin striping tape
in a bright color, and see if that helps me
at all.. After abt 25 feet, I have to really look hard
to keep my orientation in tact.
If you find any helpful tips, please share them
w/ us all...
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the TelloPilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum to further your safety knowledge and for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in Tello quadcopters.
Enjoy the forum!
Welcome to the fun...
Looking at your bird, I just had an idea..
I'll go to the local auto parts supply
house and try to find some pin striping tape
in a bright color, and see if that helps me
at all.. After abt 25 feet, I have to really look hard
to keep my orientation in tact.
If you find any helpful tips, please share them
w/ us all...

You can buy these bright strobes that are self-powered.
Mount it to the bottom and it should help you locate your Tello in the sky easier.

Link here - https://www.amazon.com/Flytron-Strobon

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Reactions: Jet Lag
great bird next is the spark u will love dronning plenty of guys here for advice just got the mavic zoom boxed up my phantom 4 but i still love the tello cya

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