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Just Ordered!

Drone/Quad Enthusiast. Ordered Tello today from Amazon for indoor flying. I currently have Mavic Pro, Mavic Air, Spark, Karma, and Kudrone. Looking forward to Tello!
Wow. You have so many drones that are so similar, or rather, so close in specs or capabilities. I had a Phantom 3 Standard and really liked it a lot. Now I have a Mavic Pro Platinum. I fly usually morning and evening, if not too breezy. I see some Tellos are shipping now. I have one pre-ordered at B&H so hope they get theirs soon. It'll be fun on those too windy, too cold, too hot or too wet days. Watching for a Mavic Pro II also to see if it'll entice me to upgrade. I do enjoy my rural flights.
Welcome! Glad to see someone else with O.D.D. (Obsessive Drone Disorder). Then again, I've heard that he who dies with the most toys wins and I may be ahead,
Received Tello and it flies amazing indoors. Haven't tried outdoors yet but not really why i got it anyway. i have the Air and mPro for that.

The Tello is a nice little drine, video is not great but to be expected, its just a for fun toy but very well built and flys with nice control.

UNLIKE the Kudron which flies like it's under the influence. That thing is a joke. It looks amazing but flies like crap. i like to use it to let my son shoot it down with foam darts. It's pretty resilliant so far--lol

Back to Tello, its pretty cool, ill be flying it a lot more over next few days. i do wish the extra batteries were in stock!
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Drone/Quad Enthusiast. Ordered Tello today from Amazon for indoor flying. I currently have Mavic Pro, Mavic Air, Spark, Karma, and Kudrone. Looking forward to Tello!
Welcome to the forum jbsp.

I wish I would have looked on Amazon first but I ordered from DJI so it's shipping from China.
Drone/Quad Enthusiast. Ordered Tello today from Amazon for indoor flying. I currently have Mavic Pro, Mavic Air, Spark, Karma, and Kudrone. Looking forward to Tello!
Since you own a Kudrone, can you offer any advice? Got a Kudrone brand new from a garage sale. Have app loaded on Android but unable to login since I can not create a new account. Any other app I can use to control Kudrone?

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