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Multiple drones with python


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Oct 15, 2024
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Hello, i am trying to connect two edu tello drones for a drone show for a python project on pycharm. I tried to connect them on the same network using UDP. on ip I used different dongles and even changed the ip addresses to match 192.168.10.X format. But only one drone connects at a time
here is my code:
from djitellopy import Tello

# Setting up the first drone
drone1 = Tello(host='')
print("Drone 1 Battery percentage:", drone1.get_battery())

# Setting up the second drone
drone2 = Tello(host='')
drone2.CONTROL_UDP_PORT = 8890 # Different port for the second drone
print("Drone 2 Battery percentage:", drone2.get_battery())

and here is the output:

C:\Users\LENOVO\Desktop\CVZone\Advance_AI_drone\.venv\Scripts\python.exe "C:\Users\LENOVO\Desktop\CVZone\Advance_AI_drone\Multi Drone Show\battery_chcek.py"
[INFO] tello.py - 129 - Tello instance was initialized. Host: ''. Port: '8889'.
[INFO] tello.py - 438 - Send command: 'command'
[INFO] tello.py - 462 - Response command: 'ok'
[INFO] tello.py - 129 - Tello instance was initialized. Host: ''. Port: '8889'.
[INFO] tello.py - 438 - Send command: 'command'
Drone 1 Battery percentage: 67
[INFO] tello.py - 462 - Response command: 'ok'
Drone 2 Battery percentage: 67

it seems to be connecting to the same drone. i tried changing ip to 2 3 too but in vain Tried turning off firewall too
How can i tackle this issue? i have updated my firmware as well.
You must configure the Tellos to connect as client to your home WiFi. In that case, they get different IP adresses.
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Hey Hacky!

Thanks for the help. I did just that. I figured using different wifi dongles wouldn't work. so I used my office router.

- I configured my drones to station mode through my wifi router using Packet Sender(Packet Sender - Free utility to for sending / receiving of network packets. TCP, UDP, SSL.)
- Then i went to my wifi's admin page and found out the IPs of my EDU drones (,27 in my case)
- Finally i used some python scripts i found online to make a drone show(socket and threading DroneBlocks-TelloEDU-Python/swarm-box-mission.py at master · dbaldwin/DroneBlocks-TelloEDU-Python)

Now i'm coding with djitellopys's swarm library to make the code concise

Thank you!

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