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Nothing, not a sinle thing!


New member
Nov 16, 2021
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Good evening, morning, afternoon,
Just bought a Tello TLW004, my first ever drone, Mr Burns (The Simpsons) is my younger brother. Thought I better find out what this new fangled technology is all about. I havent seen Orville or Wilbur for a few years, so they cannot help me.
I am amazed that there are absolutely no instructions with anything. Nothing, not a sausage. Found some manuals online, thank you, but they do not even tell you what colour or sequence the lights should be displaying. I had to guess at Bluetooth. It does not appear to want to conect to the magic waves in the sky, and even if it does or is, the name of the Network i should connect to is not named. I do hope is says Tello?
Magnificent these new ideas, sell something at $99, or also £99, what happened to the exchange rate? Then save more money by leaving purchasers no idea how the whole thing works. Relying on them to have internet access and even how to use it. Good job I am not an old geezer and have 'however' long it takes to figure stuff out.
What a set of operators! Absolutely Magnificent to see such slickness in operation.
Thank you TelloPilots, glad to have found you, with your guidence and support I will figure it all out.
The Quick Start Guide at 125 pages also gave me a laugh. My, my hasnt the world changed, Anthropocene, or is it Mugpocene or Sheeplepocene.
Or in my case Dumboldgitopocene?
Be seeing you
You say, there is no instruction and later you moan about a 125 page (multilingual) Quickstart guide? On about 8 pages for almost any language it gives you all, what is required to get it in the air, including some LED blink codes and links to further manuals, tutorials etc. If you did not yet read it, you should start there (and for more details here) instead of stealing our time with fanciful speculations.
WOW! Good evening 'well-known-member' what a response!
'Stealing your time with fanciful speculations' .................
I do not think I could have laughed at my own inability, age, or stupidity any clearer.
I even explained my own ignorance as an old man trying to use modern technology (for me) for the very first time - I dont have a clue.
I am sorry you did not read it that way, perhaps it got lost in translation, so I will apologise to you personally for any offence I have caused you.
"I am sorry I was not clear enough for you".
My post came after reading so many posts from people with what I perceived as similar problems and were seeking solutions. For example, I have two brand new batteries, straight out their boxes,
that are displaying similar lights that other users have found do not make thair drones work.
I appear to be doing the correct stuff(?) but I cannot even see a Tello network appearing anywhere, something many others have encountered.
Surely the idea of a Quick Start Guide having 125 pages is universally amusing is it not?
With such a response from a full Member such as yourself I will certainly be far more careful in future.
We are all the same species, Human, all World Citizens, in these very difficult times I hope your views are not racist against the English, or women, or the feeble minded such as myself. That would be a terrible thing wouldnt it? What possible reason for unpleasentness could you as a German have against me as English?
They are just geographical locations arent they?
Truly sorry you felt the need to write that sort of response as a Well-Known Member.
Good afternoon jeffjeff,
Thank you for your reply and suggestion.
I thought I had replied to you but it seems to have disappeared?
Yes, I was far too tired when I initially looked at the drone, it was childish excitement with my first ever drone.
I am 68 and know better.
Words were moving around the page and sound had become intolerable, I should never have started.
After a good snooze, I managed my first, short, flight indoors the next day.
No real idea how I managed it and have been unable to recreate, but I now have enough time to sit through some videos and will certainly watch your recommendation.
Thank you for taking the time and offering the advice.
Hoping to take the North Coast 500 drive next Spring so trying to develop some skills with drone and GoPro.
With part of my journey also revisiting Snowdonia I hope to be able to take some reasonable photos and film.
The scenery is certainly there even if my skills are not.
With no photography ability either means I have much to cram into a rather short space of time. But happy to learn, as hopefully I can only get better?
Thank you again,

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