There is a couple of issues mixed up here:
tello seems to have some sort of "save" mode. Whenever it is (or thinks it is) below 1.5-2m
tello has very limited angles for pitch & roll. It becomes sluggish as hell.
This gets even worse as
Tello gets really low. When doing an autolanding on disconnect:
Tello will hover in place for about 1 minute, then descend to about 30cm, then hover in place until it runs out of battery and finally lands by itself. Now with the extremely reduced pitch & roll angles at 30cm altitude it can't fight even the slightest wind and drifts its own prop wash and turbulence.
So whenever you lose connection and can't reconnect
Tello sooner or later always crashes into the next obstacle, or you have to run after it. I almost lost my first
Tello because it descended on a beach, could not hover in place in total calm conditions and slowly drifted over water.
This is in my opinion an ill conceived "safety feature" to make
Tello a safe indoor drone and to make
Tello land "level" so it doesn't land at an angle when fighting winds. In my view this idea was the brain child of some product manager who hasn't left his cubicle for months and needs some fresh air. If Ryze reads this I might get a ban on some forums, but I'm really
/&!/&%"§§$ lets say "upset" by this feature
Second, when taking off in slow mode (videomode for TelloFpv)
Tello is a very quick and responsive drone. Just try for yourself. Take off and use the sticks right away. You will see the electronic image stabilization fails if you are too rough with the sticks. If you release the
After 10 seconds it starts to behave differently: It reacts a bit slower to changes in roll & pitch and has way lower attitude angles so slows down significantly. If you release the sticks it will continue to fly in the same direction for almost half a second, the level but continue to drift, then after another half a second it counters the movement and stops.
This stupid behaviour was the initial spark for the "panic" / Stop button on TeloFpv. No clue hat they were thinking, I consider video mode pretty dangerous the way it is unless you have plenty of room.
Third, I have seen a few reports of yaw becoming slow for no obvious reason. Fixed by land & takeoff. This appears to be a bug in my view.
I have seen reports for these problems for all apps including IPhone app. All this is firmware, not related to a particular app or sensor issues. Number 1 an 2 are ill conceived "features" that somebody actively implemented with som effort. #3 seems like a bug.
I can only suggest all of you to go to the FB groups, both the official ryze one and the large alternatives which are also monitored by Ryze/DJI staff, and complain in clear words about these ill conceived "features". Be persistent when "Ryze Bess" gives her typical phrase that she is handing it over to "dev".
If I were a normal customer I'd certainly loudly complain about this nonsense. However I can't, I have to behave nice as I am guest in their group.