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takeoff to a specific height


New member
Apr 23, 2022
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I want to takeoff the tello drone to a specific height, say 50cm. How to achieve that?

Using an app or SDK or binary protocol?
Either using sdk (takeoff()) or sending commands via udp. What is binary protocol?
I am trying to program it to takeoff a specific height. It doesnt matter which way i use.
The SDK commands do not provide an option to specify the takeoff altitude. You can only send the takeoff command and goto the desired height a with a subsequent command. Before that, you must wait, until the takeoff is confirmed with an "OK", which may take some seconds.
The SDK commands do not provide an option to specify the takeoff altitude. You can only send the takeoff command and goto the desired height a with a subsequent command. Before that, you must wait, until the takeoff is confirmed with an "OK", which may take some seconds.
So is it any other way to adjust the takeoff height other than SDK commands?
Using binary UDP commands (maybe also SDk) you can do the following:
CSC command to start motors, throttle up to take off, then adjust throttle as soon as you get stable altitude readings (around 50cm altitude).
The drone will be instable below that point as VPS is off so don't take off too slow.

I assume results will be inconsistent.
Simple proportional control:
error = desired_h - measured_h
up_speed = Kp * error

Where Kp is a tuning gain determined by experiment!

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