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Tello FAA registration

As for weight limits 80 grams.
NO registration needed as by the FAA Rouls.
This is for the USA.
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But with new legislation being produced as we speak and a bill already signed by the president, it soon won't matter if it weighs 1gram or 1000grams... Everything will be controlled by FAA
You do realize that you still have to notify all airports if within 5 miles
I was not aware that you have to contact an airport to fly a toy drone. Does this apply to part 107? I know that I don't have to on my phantom if I stay under the ceiling specified in that area, just use airmap to get an instant waiver. I only have to get a 90 days waiver with the FAA if I want to fly in a no fly zone area.
I was not aware that you have to contact an airport to fly a toy drone. Does this apply to part 107? I know that I don't have to on my phantom if I stay under the ceiling specified in that area, just use airmap to get an instant waiver. I only have to get a 90 days waiver with the FAA if I want to fly in a no fly zone area.
Part 336 was repealed by the new bill. Authorization act of 2018. You can look it up if you understand laywer talk. I hope I'm being clear and straight forward, yes the tello even under a part 107 is still subject to the same rules as any other drone that you fly for a part 107 flight.

The faa treats the Tello as if it were a registered drone. Of course the Tello is not required to be registered and display your drone I'd number.

Check out this link to a faa page
More than 50,000 LAANC Applications processed

This page talks about the LAANC program implemented into several apps to help out with a online notification for your flights.

To understand what is new look up 2018 drone regulations or something like that and watch videos from DroneU and 51drones these two channels have great info and are on top of the changes and how it affects everyone.
I'm not part 107 yet. Still in military, don't need to get money for my photos or video especially for a Tello, my phone with it's dual cameras and 21mega pickles or editing can produce better photos and video with just a tripod, selfie stick and just by my own hands.

Back to talking about the Tello. I'm not one that can or would tell anyone what they should or should not do as far as faa regulations. It's possible I have flown where I should not have flown without proper notification, but I am sure I never went very high like flying in sport mode inside and outside around my tree and back in.... Might of happened.

The new legislation when they figure out the test and cert card anybody who wants to fly outside will have to take and keep on them to show authorities if asked (age 16 or older). When this is official and setup, 336 current users will have to all go take said test and carry the cert, the funny not funny thing is that means even for a nano/micro toy! will need to call and notify airports.

And I hope every person that flys goes to take this test and crashes the system and Congress has to revoke this bill and release and relax the regulations. This is micro managing at it's worst by FAA and it's disgusting. If it's under said .55lbs and considered not a threat then it should be free of FAA regulations.

What's your view on all of this???
Well I was aware of everything you said. I fly a Phantom for work, so I had to get 107 and keep up with the times. What I didn't know is the BS that I have to use Airmap and apply for the instant waiver every time I want to fly my Tello in my backyard.
I'm not part 107 yet. Still in military, don't need to get money for my photos or video especially for a Tello, my phone with it's dual cameras and 21mega pickles or editing can produce better photos and video with just a tripod, selfie stick and just by my own hands.

Back to talking about the Tello. I'm not one that can or would tell anyone what they should or should not do as far as faa regulations. It's possible I have flown where I should not have flown without proper notification, but I am sure I never went very high like flying in sport mode inside and outside around my tree and back in.... Might of happened.

The new legislation when they figure out the test and cert card anybody who wants to fly outside will have to take and keep on them to show authorities if asked (age 16 or older). When this is official and setup, 336 current users will have to all go take said test and carry the cert, the funny not funny thing is that means even for a nano/micro toy! will need to call and notify airports.

And I hope every person that flys goes to take this test and crashes the system and Congress has to revoke this bill and release and relax the regulations. This is micro managing at it's worst by FAA and it's disgusting. If it's under said .55lbs and considered not a threat then it should be free of FAA regulations.

What's your view on all of this???

I agree with you. If it doesn't require registration, then it should not be ruled by the FAA.
The BS part is that someone is trying to convince you that you need Tower permission or a LAANC waiver to fly a Tello! Get real
I am aware that there is no way to enforce this, unless you go the extra mile to get caught, but I don’t put past ignorant law makers to make this law happen. Have seen it before and will continue to happen way past my lifetime.
It seems all the rules changed in 2019. I can now get LAANC authorizations with a couple different apps. I love this part for my drone fleet.

But the original question above was ...'does a tello require registration?' If you go to FAADroneZone.faa.gov you cannot find the old 5.5oz minimum weight thing. At least I could not find it. The sight only says less than 55 pounds must be registered. After probing a few links I did find this: https://www.faa.gov/uas/getting_started/register_drone/media/UAS_Weights_Registration.pdf
It is dated, and does give examples of lower weight drones not needing to be registered.
But is the larger question... does the tello pilot need to follow the 5 mile rules and use LAANC for permission to fly?,: Even if it is not registered?

I'm not sure that the FAA could answer that! But I do regularly fly and photograph boats in an airport area that the max ceiling is 100 feet. Across a parking lot the ceiling is ZERO. So, is the tello ok to fly there? No, I will not do that. But the question is still a good one.

Wait, how about this question! If you don't need to register the tello, as its under 5.5 oz, then can you sell the pics for money without your drone licence??? Same as you could sell your cell phone pics? lol I got a headache thinking about it! Can you imagine big brother knocking on your door with FAA fines for making money from toy drone photos posted to your web? There goes my head again!

Nobody has added anything here for almost a year, and Ill be surprised if this generates any comments, but I had fun posting this!
I have 2 150ft oak trees in my yard, the other end of the block are high tension wires and a airport down the hill 1.5mi away. I don't and won't call anyone to fly my tello, or the other 2 toy drones, now the other 3 bigger ones I call if I'm going above 250ft. Tello, and the other 2 toys no way, they get above the roof top and will get blown into the neighborhood trees...now I put my HS 700 up to 200ft and got prop washed looking at the rivits going by. He was off all flight pathes and made the wires wiggle on the towers flying between the big trees.
No need to register Tello. Any drone less than 250gms does not have to be registered, nor do you need a FAA 107 license. It is considered "Hobby" class. 55lbs. is the MAXIMUM weight allowed of ANY drone in the U.S. (Just under 55lbs.) You must however follow FAA airspace regulations.
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It seems all the rules changed in 2019. I can now get LAANC authorizations with a couple different apps. I love this part for my drone fleet.

But the original question above was ...'does a tello require registration?' If you go to FAADroneZone.faa.gov you cannot find the old 5.5oz minimum weight thing. At least I could not find it. The sight only says less than 55 pounds must be registered. After probing a few links I did find this: https://www.faa.gov/uas/getting_started/register_drone/media/UAS_Weights_Registration.pdf
It is dated, and does give examples of lower weight drones not needing to be registered.
But is the larger question... does the tello pilot need to follow the 5 mile rules and use LAANC for permission to fly?,: Even if it is not registered?

I'm not sure that the FAA could answer that! But I do regularly fly and photograph boats in an airport area that the max ceiling is 100 feet. Across a parking lot the ceiling is ZERO. So, is the tello ok to fly there? No, I will not do that. But the question is still a good one.

Wait, how about this question! If you don't need to register the tello, as its under 5.5 oz, then can you sell the pics for money without your drone licence??? Same as you could sell your cell phone pics? lol I got a headache thinking about it! Can you imagine big brother knocking on your door with FAA fines for making money from toy drone photos posted to your web? There goes my head again!

Nobody has added anything here for almost a year, and Ill be surprised if this generates any comments, but I had fun posting this!
Just saw your post and later question, I reached out to the FAA last year and asked a similar question, you would be breaking the law if you sold your Tello photos without having a part 107. Any footage sold by use of a UAV it could be from a rc airplane since a drone and airplane fall under the UAV title, you would be breaking the law and could face fines from FAA.

Let's say you fly for fun with your Tello, at a great spot and get some incredible shots that you later share with some friends, and someone sells your photo online. You had no intention of selling, no idea of it being sold the FAA still has the right to come after you, since your sold photo was in furtherance of a business. The FAA left that vague and general to push more pilot's to get part 107 certified.

We all agree a Tello required to have lannc authorization is stupid. But the reality is that some people did stupid things with their less than 250gram drones and forced the FAA to make more regulations. I'd rather fly within the rules than fly against the law so I will never have to look over my shoulder waiting for the FAA to arrest me

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