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Hi, I'm a 72 year old from Durham in the North East of England.


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Jul 5, 2018
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My first love is my MP, but the weather here in the UK isn't too good most of the time so I decided to acquire an Tello for indoor use. As I just found this section here in DJI drones web site as I frequent the Mavic Pro page regularly I can't wait to browse through it all before my Tello arrives.
I have just the one question for now, and that is, what controller would you recommend I use if any?
Welcome to our forum .Hope you find all the resources you seek and look forward
to any photos or videos you might post .
Any issues just ask.
Enjoy (y)
My first love is my MP, but the weather here in the UK isn't too good most of the time so I decided to acquire an Tello for indoor use. As I just found this section here in DJI drones web site as I frequent the Mavic Pro page regularly I can't wait to browse through it all before my Tello arrives.
I have just the one question for now, and that is, what controller would you recommend I use if any?
Hi Deep. I'm a 67-year-old living in the SE of England, also with a Mavic Pro and a Tello for those rainy days (not that we've had many of those of late!). Welcome. Hop[e you're enjoying your drone flying as much as I am.

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