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Tello Firmware Update

Actually it isn't on a site. When you go to the Tello App.

-Go to Settings
-Select the ...
-Firmware Version and click on Update

It's on the same page where you calibrate IMU and Center of gravity calibration.

Hope this helps.
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Strange, the update must be tracked by the app? I connected with my Android phone, was prompted to update, did it. Then on the next battery charge, I thought I'd see how it flew with my iPad Mini 4 and it prompted me to update again.
I received my Tello today. The first initiation process should have been a piece of cake, but there were some issues. Luckily, I'm an IT professional, so I figured out what was wrong, or at least, how to overcome the issues, and finally got out around the house (inside) on the maiden flight. What generally seems to be going on is that the application software (in my case, on my iPhone) is still a little buggy. I kept getting different messages about different problems. And at first, the camera was not working.

The small instruction set that comes with the drone is virtually useless. It's quite thick, but that's because it includes pretty much every language in the known universe, except, perhaps, for Klingon (I guess Ryze figures that Klingons wouldn't read the instructions anyway). BUT, there IS a full owner's manual with excellent detail on the Ryze website. Downloads for all kinds of stuff can be found here: Ryze Tech

But back to my story. I finally decided to try getting things going from my iPad. Absolutely flawless. Not a single error message, and I was flying within 5 minutes. I tried my iPhone again, and again I was met with all sorts of error messages, and no camera image. Since the iPhone and iPad use different versions of the OS, and Apple keeps that locked up tight, I don't know why my iPhone won't control the thing, and why I get so many error messages. I'll just try to use some uncharacteristic patience, (and my iPad) and wait until Ryze/DJI and Apple figure things out.

As far as performance, the drone behaves exactly as advertised. I haven't tried some of the maneuvers that need more room than my shoe-box sized living room, but as far as controllability, the drone is easy to fly, and quite forgiving. The only thing I'd warn a new pilot about, when using the app, is that there is a slight latency in response from input commands to the actual maneuver. It's not huge, but it's there. Though this thing is best flown indoors, or in very quite outdoor environment, stay farther away from objects and walls until you get used to the latency. I'll be ordering a game controller soon, to see if that works any better.

More details and impressions soon (as soon as the wind stops blowing in gusts, here in Sonoma County).
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Divebomber thanks for sharing and let us know more when you get the chance to use outdoors.
There is another firmware version in the pipe as I found a few issues. Their SDK has some issues, so Scratch and the Python demo code they have doesn't fully execute all the potential commands.

It gets it's knickers in a twist and only executes a couple of commands then stops.

Looks very very promising however.

They are aware of the problem and are working on a new firmware.
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I received my Tello today. The first initiation process should have been a piece of cake, but there were some issues. Luckily, I'm an IT professional, so I figured out what was wrong, or at least, how to overcome the issues, and finally got out around the house (inside) on the maiden flight. What generally seems to be going on is that the application software (in my case, on my iPhone) is still a little buggy. I kept getting different messages about different problems. And at first, the camera was not working.

The small instruction set that comes with the drone is virtually useless. It's quite thick, but that's because it includes pretty much every language in the known universe, except, perhaps, for Klingon (I guess Ryze figures that Klingons wouldn't read the instructions anyway). BUT, there IS a full owner's manual with excellent detail on the Ryze website. Downloads for all kinds of stuff can be found here: Ryze Tech

But back to my story. I finally decided to try getting things going from my iPad. Absolutely flawless. Not a single error message, and I was flying within 5 minutes. I tried my iPhone again, and again I was met with all sorts of error messages, and no camera image. Since the iPhone and iPad use different versions of the OS, and Apple keeps that locked up tight, I don't know why my iPhone won't control the thing, and why I get so many error messages. I'll just try to use some uncharacteristic patience, (and my iPad) and wait until Ryze/DJI and Apple figure things out.

As far as performance, the drone behaves exactly as advertised. I haven't tried some of the maneuvers that need more room than my shoe-box sized living room, but as far as controllability, the drone is easy to fly, and quite forgiving. The only thing I'd warn a new pilot about, when using the app, is that there is a slight latency in response from input commands to the actual maneuver. It's not huge, but it's there. Though this thing is best flown indoors, or in very quite outdoor environment, stay farther away from objects and walls until you get used to the latency. I'll be ordering a game controller soon, to see if that works any better.

More details and impressions soon (as soon as the wind stops blowing in gusts, here in Sonoma County).

My Iphone X performed great. May i ask what error have you met? Is there any error code or specific error message?
My Iphone X performed great. May i ask what error have you met? Is there any error code or specific error message?
Can you give us some insite on that? Have not seen a update.
Got links?
Well, for more details, my iPhone is a 6s. The error messages were numerous, and because I had just started working with the Tello, I did not record the actual error messages, but here are some examples. 1. Failed firmware update. 2. Failed IMU initialization. 3. Take off error (when the Tello had not yet taken off). 4. Fatal firmware error, contact Tello Support. I believe I isolated the issue in that the latest software update for the iPhone had not been installed. I installed the latest update, and the issues disappeared. The only problem I've encountered since, with the iPhone (which I now use instead of the iPad) is that every once in a while I get a "Take off error" just after landing. I have not contacted Tello Support. I'm sure I'm not the only one getting this error, and it will likely be resolved in the next firmware upgrade. Overall, I'm quite happy with the Tello. I also have a Mavic Pro, which is an amazing drone, but sometimes it's just fun to fly around the house and annoy the cat.
But back to my story. I finally decided to try getting things going from my iPad. Absolutely flawless. Not a single error message, and I was flying within 5 minutes. I tried my iPhone again, and again I was met with all sorts of error messages, and no camera image. Since the iPhone and iPad use different versions of the OS, and Apple keeps that locked up tight, I don't know why my iPhone won't control the thing, and why I get so many error messages. I'll just try to use some uncharacteristic patience....

If the iPad has the newer version of the iOS, then your patience should be rewarded when your iPhone catches up.

But if the opposite is true ... well, at least you have the iPad in the meantime.

Hopefully, you have already turned Auto Update on the iPad permanently OFF.
Bunny, I guess I wasn't clear. This isn't really a forum to discuss the details of Apple devices, so I'll make it brief. When I said they have different versions, what I meant was that the two OS's, (iPhone and iPad) are not the same OS. You can't run iPhone OS on iPad, and vice versa. The most obvious indication of this is when you go to the app store and find some apps will run on one, but not on the other. "Whats App" is a perfect example of this. Because the two OS's are different, you can have problems with third party applications (the Tello App) on one, and not the other. I'm not sure if you saw the continuation of the thread, but after updating my iPhone OS, the issues I was seeing went away. I now use my iPhone to crash my Tello into walls, lamps, and miss doorways by a few inches. :-)
v01.03.01.03 is the latest update and the version listed as the latest firmware in our app.
Support states the following version is available for download.
We have tried multiple devices and v01.03.18.01 is not available for download in US on IOS at this moment?
Did anyone else get a notification for an update in the app? I just got one but when I try it keeps saying I’m on the latest firmware..

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