So just got my Tello today... configured Gamesir T1d (new today) - upgraded firmware... calibrated IMU and everything that allowed me to calibrate...
Flew in the garden, windy... Tello started very very stable... very responsive, full WiFi bars.... took it up also great responsiveness
Then all of a sardine, it starts moving forward on its own, 3/4 bars still, video showing, tried reversing, going up , anything to avoid missing my neighbours house... and bam it land on the chimney.... I still had video feed, ... tried taking off, nothing...disconnected, and restarted everything, took off from top of chimney, but it was an awkward angle to start with, so fell and bounced off the gutter onto the ground... landed in neighbours garden... and now I know who my neighbour is
Recharging now and will try in a giant park next to me next time.... it was only 4m up when it got a mind of it's own.... Frustrating... was recording video but because it was a new app install, I had not allowed save to SD card yet
otherwiese I could show my epic crash... nothing saved....
Tello is 100% OK, no damage visible, hardy little buggers
Flew in the garden, windy... Tello started very very stable... very responsive, full WiFi bars.... took it up also great responsiveness
Then all of a sardine, it starts moving forward on its own, 3/4 bars still, video showing, tried reversing, going up , anything to avoid missing my neighbours house... and bam it land on the chimney.... I still had video feed, ... tried taking off, nothing...disconnected, and restarted everything, took off from top of chimney, but it was an awkward angle to start with, so fell and bounced off the gutter onto the ground... landed in neighbours garden... and now I know who my neighbour is

Recharging now and will try in a giant park next to me next time.... it was only 4m up when it got a mind of it's own.... Frustrating... was recording video but because it was a new app install, I had not allowed save to SD card yet

Tello is 100% OK, no damage visible, hardy little buggers