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Xiaomi Mi, Onboard Mod range test 1

Looks great! I am following most if not all the antenna mods here as I have common goals with my Tello. Thanks to modders like you i am learning a lot! One thing I am curious about...and possibly a way for you to test video range more accurately...Your 90db signal will remain because the extender is on the tello, If I understood correctly. It would be interesting (i think) to do the same test with the bitrate set to auto. Then you could analyse at what distance(s) the tello switches from 4 to 3 to 2 and so on. Keep in mind that once the bitrate decreases to the next value it will not go back up. You would have to manually re-set it to 4MBps. The dynamic changing from 4 to 1 and BACK from 1 to 4 is on the "hopefull" TelloFPV list but not implemented yet.
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How would I check, planning on doing another test tomorrow, weather depending. Good idea. You are right about the 90db, realised as well seen as the antenna is rear facing the journey back quality to me wasn't as good and turning lost quality slightly close up.
Think maybe modding mi Antenna to cover all sides. Things to do lol
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Get set it to auto then regular intervals check it.??? Is this what you mean?? Not shown on main app screen is it??
Get set it to auto then regular intervals check it.??? Is this what you mean?? Not shown on main app screen is it??
Sorta what I mean lol...No you have to use a program for this. Just record the test flight while in Auto. Then .... Easy way is use VLC. While Recorded video is playing go to Tools>Media information>Statistics and you will find it there :) That is on PC...not sure on other platforms or programs
Btw im still learning but trying new things , you guys on here have some good ideas :)
I'm afrsid only for one thing... You can't know when signal is going down...
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Volate!lo may be able to add this to TelloFPV in the future. If the app could display the current bitrate when in auto it would be some indication. Better than nothing. I will ask him if it is possible but I know it would be way down the list of priority because it would only pertain to this exact mod.
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Volate!lo may be able to add this to TelloFPV in the future. If the app could display the current bitrate when in auto it would be some indication. Better than nothing. I will ask him if it is possible but I know it would be way down the list of priority because it would only pertain to this exact mod.
@xcrost, you are right. Visual indication of current bitrate will be cool ;)

..Keep in mind that once the bitrate decreases to the next value it will not go back up. You would have to manually re-set it to 4MBps. The dynamic changing from 4 to 1 and BACK from 1 to 4 is on the "hopefull" TelloFPV list but not implemented yet.

I agree with you about Tello stock auto bitrate. It works ok on decreasing bitrate as signal gets worse, but needs some of @volate!lo's magic to increase again when the signal improves.

Maybe it will be possilble TelloFPV sends Tello a request to set max 4 mb bitrate and just after that an auto bitrate request. This couple of commands could be sended as TelloFPV detects signal changes, 10db to 40db, 40db to 70db and 70db to 90db.
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I turned around at 50% battery, so more testing needed but really happy with the quality of the video at the range it achieved.

(Battery mod needed too now I think)

Amazing !

Your mod works great. Image quality 360 meters away seems very high.

I would like to know how much has been reduced your time of flight.
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Did save the .h264 file btw plays back jumpy how do I smooth itt. That's at 6800kbs
Amazing !

Your mod works great. Image quality 360 meters away seems very high.

I would like to know how much has been reduced your time of flight.
Lots lol reckon that it has pulled down from just over ten to 7 and a half minutes. But do have a great idea for a battery mod ;)
I was going to tell you about this idea but I figured you would find it today! ha! lol
@xcrost, you are right. Visual indication of current bitrate will be cool ;)

I agree with you about Tello stock auto bitrate. It works ok on decreasing bitrate as signal gets worse, but needs some of @volate!lo's magic to increase again when the signal improves.

Maybe it will be possilble TelloFPV sends Tello a request to set max 4 mb bitrate and just after that an auto bitrate request. This couple of commands could be sended as TelloFPV detects signal changes, 10db to 40db, 40db to 70db and 70db to 90db.
@xcrost, you are right. Visual indication of current bitrate will be cool ;)

I agree with you about Tello stock auto bitrate. It works ok on decreasing bitrate as signal gets worse, but needs some of @volate!lo's magic to increase again when the signal improves.

Maybe it will be possilble TelloFPV sends Tello a request to set max 4 mb bitrate and just after that an auto bitrate request. This couple of commands could be sended as TelloFPV detects signal changes, 10db to 40db, 40db to 70db and 70db to 90db.
I was going to tell you about this idea but I figured you would find it today! ha! lol I was right!:D I'm sure Volate!lo will find it too. Maybe tomorrow after ver. 1 release.lol...Version 1 can you believe it...I just have to laugh...so impressive :)
Just to point out as well I just use the TELLOfpv app and no controller. Not tested it with controllers yet. Don't know what signal would be like, how affected.

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