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Xperia Z2 controls reverse?

Barry IOW

Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Reaction score
Hampshire UK
Tried my Xperia Z2 with my Tello.

Takes off ok & hovers, when I input flight controls they are all reversed, forwards is backwards, left is right, yaw left is right.

When i fly with my Galaxy Tab A 2016 all is ok.

Any ideas please.
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Tried my Xperia Z2 with my Tello.

Takes off ok & hovers, when I input flight controls they are all reversed, forwards is backwards, left is right, yaw left is right.

When i fly with my Galaxy Tab A 2016 all is ok.

Any ideas please.
I don't know if it's an idea, but try switching stick modes.

Edit: Out of curiosity, is the drone facing you or you are facing it's rear?
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Hi Ansia

The quad was front was facing away from me when I had this issue, infact the yaw would be the same either way it was facing if working ok.

Contacted Tello online they said this issue had not been reported before & suggested I uninstall the Tello app then reinstall it,

After doing this the controls were back to normal.

So issue resolved.

Thanks for your input.

Glad you were able to fix it. I ment no insult, but from experience, sometimes the simplest solution is the right awnser.

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